"Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you reach your destiny." - Carl Schurz -

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Petition for the Recognition and Protection of JYJ’s Legal and Human Rights

Bagi para penggemar JYJ (DBSK), saat ini sedang diadakan petisi oleh The JYJ Files untuk membantu JYJ mendapatkan hak asasinya. Seperti yang kita ketahui saat ini, JYJ sedang bertarung dengan SM. Dan SM berusaha menghancurkan karir JYJ dengan segala cara termasuk mem-block penampilan JYJ di Korea. Tidak hanya itu, SM juga berusaha mengulur-ulur waktu persidangan agar kasus JYJ tidak selesai. Hal ini sangat merugikan JYJ karena waktu promosi yang terbatas, biaya yang semakin besar, reputasi yang buruk, etc. Untuk itu, bagi semua penggemar dan pendukung JYJ, silahkan bergabung dengan petisi tersebut.  Semakin banyak yang bergabung, akan semakin baik. Namun, mohon tidak menggunakan alamat email atau identitas palsu karena petisi ini bersifat formal dan akan diajukan ke pengadilan di Korea. "Alone we cannot do it, but together we can make a miracle".

Artikel lebih lengkap mengenai petisi tersebut dapat dilihat di website : The JYJ Files

Not too long ago, the Korean Entertainment Producers Association (KEPA) revealed that it would write and circulate a petition to be submitted to the Korean court in order to influence the outcome of the JYJ v. SM Entertainment (SM) litigation in SM’s favor and against JYJ. KEPA also claimed that JYJ was lying to the public on the issue of their unfair contract with SM. The original article on KEPA’s petition can be viewed here. When this news became public, many international fans of JYJ and the original Dong Bang Shin Ki urged us to launch a petition on behalf of international fans to counter KEPA’s and to voice support for Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu. In answer to your requests, the Petition for the Recognition and Protection of JYJ’s Legal and Human Rights is finally here and on the cusp of being launched. THE PETITION WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN FOR SIGNATURES ON FEB. 3, 2011, 1:00pm (KST) AND WILL CLOSE ON FEB. 15. The petition is also available in Japanese, Chinese, French, Vietnamese, Spanish and Thai.

Those of you who want to express your support for JYJ and opposition to KEPA in a way that will be heard and recognized by the Korean court, the Korean government and the general Korean public, click on “Sign Petition” below. You will be taken to the petition website. The website is completely secure and your privacy is completely protected. As this petition will reach the Korean court and government agencies, please follow all instructions carefully.
Credit : The JYJ Files 

2 komentar:

  1. Hi Penulis...
    Aku uda ikut juga petisi nya.. semoga JYJ bisa menang yah ^^

  2. Thx banget buat kesediannya untuk ikut petisi. I believe at the end, Justice will triumph evil.


Terima kasih atas komentarnya ^^